Classification of Pteridophyta
Pteridophyta includes in Plantae kingdom and have four phylum, they are Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Equisetophyta and Pterophyta. It also divided into four classes; Psilophytinae (ancient fern), Lycopodinae (wire fern), Equisetinae (horse tail fern), and Filicinae (Real fern)
Class of Psilophytinae
Most of Psilophytinae are species almost extinct. The species have no leaves or if it has leaves is small leaves (microphyl) but it does not differentiation. Several of them have no roots. This species includes homospore fern. For examples are Psilotum nudum, Asteroxylon elberfeldense, and Pseudosporochnus krejcii. Class of Psilophytinae divided into two orders; Psilophytales and Psilotales. Then, Psilophytales divided into three family, they are Rhyniaceae, Asteroxylaceae, and Pseudosporochnaceae.
Class of Lycopodinae
Class of Lycopodinae has stems and roots are fork branching like a wire. It has small leaves (micophyl), have no petiolus, and only have one foliololum. Sporophyl arranged grains in shape in tip of stem. Each of sporophyl has one bigest sporangium in the bottom of leaves. For examples are Lycopodium clavatum, Selaginella caudate, and Lepidodendron vasculare. Lycopodinae divided into four order; Lycopodinales, Selaginellales, Lepidodendrales, and Isoetales. Then, Lepidodendrales divided into two family, they are Silillariaceae and Lepidodendraceae.
Class of Equisetinae
Habitat of Equisetinae is in moist place. Most of Equisetinae has internodes stems in branch. The leaves are small look like membrane and arranged bunchesly. Sporophyl are shield-shaped with amount of sporangium in the bottom. Sporangium is arranged conical-shape in tip of the stem or branch. Protalium are green and develop in the outer of their spores. For examples are Equisetum debile, Sphenophyllum cuneifolium, and Hyenia elegans. Equisetinae divided into three order, they are Equisetales, Sphenophyllales, and Protoarticulatales.
Class of Filicinae
Class of Filicinae is live in shade and moist place. This group belongs to life in soil, water, and epiphyte. Filicinae have roots, stems, and leaves that are differenced. It has large leaves (macrophyl), have petiolus, and more foliololum. Leaves are roll up when it young and at the bottom of leaves any sporangium. The advantages are aesthetics plant and traditional medicine. For examples are Adiantum cuneatum, Platycerium bifurcatum, Azolla pinnata, and Marsilea crenata. Filicinae divided into three subclasses; they are Eusporangiatae, Leptosporangiatae, and Hydropterides. Then Eusporangiatae is divided into two order; Ophioglossales and Marattiales.
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