
Senin, 27 Mei 2013

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Fern (Pteridophyta)

Standard of Competency
Understanding the advantages of biodiversity

Basic Competence
Describing the characteristics of Division in Plant Kingdom and it function to living in the world

1. Understanding the characteristics of Pteridophyta
2. Explaining the life cycle of Pteridophyta
3. Classifying the Division of Pteridophyta
4. Understanding the advantages of Pteridophyta

Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Characteristics of Pteridophyta

Characteristics of Pteridophyta
Pteridophyta is predicted as an oldest Cormophyta. Cormophyta is plant having real roots, stems, and leaves. Its means that the roots, stems, and leaves have vascular bundle, so Pteridophyta also known as Tracheophyta. Fossil of Pteridophyta found in the stone since carbon era past of 345 millions ago.

Pteridophyta lives in water (hydrophyte), in moist area (hygrophyte), sticking in other plant (ephiphyte), or living in residue/ waste of other plant (saprophyte). Pteridophyta is not produce seeds but it produces spores. Spores are produced by leaves, usually in under surface of leaves. The young leaves are roll up. Stems of Pteridophyta located under of soil called rhizome. From rhizome will grow the roots like a hair called fibrous roots and also grow leaves stalk. There are any stems of Pteridophyta that grow up upper of soil, for example is Plant-fern (Cyathea sp.).

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Life Cycle of Pteridophyta

Life Cycle of Pteridophyta
Vegetative reproduction of Pteridophyta is by rhizome. Rhizome grows all of direction as colony. Pteridophyta have life cycle known as metagenesis with two generations, they are sporophyte and gametophyte generations.

  • Sporophyte Generation. Sporophyte generation producing spores is a Pteridophyta itself. So, the Pteridophyta that we see in daily life is sporophyte generation. This generation is longer than gametophyte. Sporophyte can grow and produce some bud in order to add new individual. It is called asexual reproduction. While the spores is exited from sporangium and spread by wind, if it fall in suitable place it will grow as new individual plant that called as protalium.

  • Gametophyte Generation. Gametophyte generation is producing gamet known as protalium. Protalium is talus formed have 1-2 cm approximately in size. This form like a heart that is usually lives in moist place. Unlike Bryophyta, gametophyte in Pteridophyta only lives on some weeks. Protalium formed antheridium as male gamet and archegonium as female gamet. Antheridium produce sperm while archegonium produce ovum. Fertilization between sperm and ovum formed zygote. Furthermore, zygote will grow as new Pteridophyta that have roots, stems, and leaves.

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Classification of Pteridophyta

Classification of Pteridophyta
Pteridophyta includes in Plantae kingdom and have four phylum, they are Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Equisetophyta and Pterophyta. It also divided into four classes; Psilophytinae (ancient fern), Lycopodinae (wire fern), Equisetinae (horse tail fern), and Filicinae (Real fern)
Class of Psilophytinae
Most of Psilophytinae are species almost extinct. The species have no leaves or if it has leaves is small leaves (microphyl) but it does not differentiation. Several of them have no roots. This species includes homospore fern. For examples are Psilotum nudum, Asteroxylon elberfeldense, and Pseudosporochnus krejcii. Class of Psilophytinae divided into two orders; Psilophytales and Psilotales. Then, Psilophytales divided into three family, they are Rhyniaceae, Asteroxylaceae, and Pseudosporochnaceae.

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Advantages of Pteridophyta

Advantages of Pteridophyta
The advantages of Pteridophyta in daily life such as:

Medicine                                      : Lycopodium clavatum dan Dryopteris filix-mas

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013


  1. If spores of Pteridophyta are grown in moist place, it will appear the shape like a sheet. It called …. 
  2. The leaves of Pteridophyta having functioned to produce spores are …. 
  3. Pteridophyta that seen in daily life is … generation. 
  4. Life cycle in Pteridophyta is known as …. 
  5. Azolla pinnata has function to ….

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Senin, 20 Mei 2013


Karina Wiyanda Saksono
ID Number    : 10317244010
Prodi              : International Biology Education
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Hobby            : traveling

Choiria Fitriyani
ID Number  : 10317244024
Prodi            : International Biology Education
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Hobby          : writing